Tuesday, October 31, 2006

new styLe from cYBer

abis leBaran pada mudik dapet fitrah ma da pylox sisa langsung ngebom bareng pas uda pada ngumpul gy.....hehehehehe.......

tHank's to feaR freak

Saturday, October 28, 2006

My Journey to Malang.... (by: eCa)

This is the piece....
nb: anak2 CYBER yg laen...sori yawh klo piece gagal,,abis gw bikin buru-buru..mana pake acara k'tangkep polisi lagi,,ANJING BGT lah pokoknya...!!!! Untung gw gak jadi ditahan gara2 tuh polisi-polisi bangsat gw sumpel mulutnya pake duit...!!! (emang ujung2nya duit juga sih boy...)
Wah..pokoknya gw males nulis+naro pic banyak2 disini lah,,,kesel bgt gw abisnya...!!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


at trisakti before ruLLLLe ( FC ) throwie

Wednesday, October 04, 2006